Friday, June 01, 2007

Seahorses By Delma Island

Seahore Larva has been found off the coast of Delma Island. The larva was found during research being condcuted on the reprodcutive habits of fish in the area.It is also in effort to protect Abu Dhabi's Marine Envrionment...

From a Recent Article;

Seahorse larva collected off Delma Island
Staff Report

"Abu Dhabi: Specimens of a seahorse larva have been found in the waters northeast of Delma Island.

It was found and collected by experts of the Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi's Marine Environment Research Centre.

The seahorse larva was collected as part of a programme investigating the reproductive habitats of fish in Abu Dhabi waters. It is part of a scheme to help protect areas of fish spawning.

About 35 species of seahorses are found around the world, while at least three species are seen in the Arabian Gulf. Seahorses can change colour to match their background and, much like humans, are generally monogamous
The male and female, in monogamous pairs, will greet one another with courtship displays in the morning and sometimes in the evening to reinforce their pair bond. They spend the rest of the day separate from each other hunting for food. Evidence gathered so far suggests that when seahorses stick with a partner for a while they get better at reproducing.

Seahorses are also notable for being the only species in the world in which males become pregnant.

The males not only take charge of the eggs, they also provide oxygen through a capillary network in the pouch, and they also transfer nutrients. They also control the pouch environment so that it changes during the pregnancy to become more like salt water."

To Read the Full artcile:

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